

Due to the large amount of data involved in the checkout process, we ask that you verify your account before placing an order.
Deposit accounts on the platform may change from time to time.
If you have any doubts, please contact the platform support staff for advice.
Note: Withdrawals are strictly controlled and calculated by the bank and have a time limit.

Please read the merchant center rules below carefully:
1 - The prices of items are assigned randomly. Once they are assigned, they cannot be canceled or waived.
2: Commissions are randomly assigned, the more assignments, the higher the commission.
3: Some assignment commands must be covered.
4: Withdrawals are made within 3 minutes of job completion!
Note: Order prices are not associated with any level.
VIP 1: You have 8 task orders to complete.
The commission for each order is 8%.
VIP 2: You have 12 task orders.
The commission for each order is 12%.
VIP 3: You have 20 orders.
The commission for each order is 20%.

Important. Do not use the same IP to access multiple accounts to earn commissions.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)